

Kwas L mlekowy 80%

L-Lactic acid 80%

L-lactic acid stabilizes process of epidermis exfoliation in a very delicate way. It is also a moistening compound. It is used in cosmetics to biolifting for it makes the skin elastic, evens wrinkles, brightens discolorations and narrows pores. It is also used in conditioners and shampoos because it activates hair bulbs, accelerating hair growth.

  • 30g
  • 100g

INCI: Lactic Acid,

Lactic acid belongs to a group of alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) which show exfoliating, moistening and anti-aging properties. In nature this acid exists in sour milk, yoghurts, sour rye soups and silages. Lactic acid appears in two optical forms L and D, out of which only L-lactic acid is biologically active and is a natural element of the skin and hair. It is one of the main part of NMF – natural moistening factor, which is responsible for proper hydration of the epidermis. Lactic acid stabilizes process of epidermis exfoliation in a very delicate way.

It is also a moistening compound. It is used in cosmetic to biolifting for it makes the skin elastic, evens wrinkles, brightens discolorations and narrows pores. It is also used in conditioners and shampoos because it activates hair bulbs, accelerating hair growth. Lactic acid (up to 5.0%) has moistening effect as a result of its properties to bind water in upper layers of the epidermis. When used in proper concentrations (up to 5.0%), it loosens intercellular cement.

Regular use of cosmetics with lactic acid rejuvenates the epidermis and makes wrinkles even by means of a gradual exfoliation of dead cells of horny layer. Faster exfoliation of cells results in the growth of new ones. Preparations with lactic acid support the treatment of acne. When using masques with lactic acid pointwise (7.0-15.0%) one can try removing sun, acne and aging maculae.

After using preparations with lactic acid one should protect the skin against sun.

Without the layers of cornified cells, “young” epidermis absorbs nourishing cosmetics considerably better. Therefore, tonics, scrubs and masques with 2%-5% lactic acid belong to basic cosmetics for the care of oily, mixed, acne and mature complexions. The cosmetics with lactic acid should be used with the utmost care for dry complexion. Recommended concentration is from 2%-2.5%.

Lactic acid with concentration of 30% should not be applied directly onto the skin.


Lactic acid:

  • regulates cellular skin regeneration, improves skin structure and colour,

  • enhances effects of other cosmetic preparations,

  • improves skin moistening for the skin becomes more soft and elastic,

  • influences the production of skin collagen by increasing thickness and strengthening the dermis,

  •  increases the level of glycosaminoglycans that is compounds which absorb water as a sponge and provide hydration of deeper layers of the skin,

  • makes small surface wrinkles even and improves skin elasticity as well as firmness; it is an anti-aging ingredient; it helps in case of discolorations and small acne scars,

  • it makes pores clear and shows antibacterial properties, hence, it prevents the creation of trouble spots that is all kinds of eczemas and blackheads; it helps in the treatment of acne,

  • it is also recommended for body and scalp-care for it helps in case of dry skin as well as skin exfoliation and cornification,

  • it is a natural preservative and pH regulator.


Use Cosmetic formulations, moistening and exfoliating creams and tonics.
Recommended concentration From 2.0% to 5.0%.
Storage In a fridge, tightly shut receptacle. Protect against light.
Solubility In water.
Expiring date Given on the label.

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