

Kwas salicylowy

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid belongs to a group of beta hydroxy acids (BHA), it is an exfoliant which has exfoliating, bacteriostatic and antifungal properties, it also prevents the creation of blackheads. The acid enhances the removal of discolorations as well as small acne scars. It makes small wrinkles even and improves both skin moistening and elasticity.

  • 10g
  • 30g

INCI: Salicilic Acid

Salicylic acid belongs to a group of beta hydroxy acids (BHA), it is an exfoliant which has exfoliating, bacteriostatic and antifungal properties, it also prevents the creation of blackheads. The acid enhances the removal of discolorations as well as small acne scars. It makes small wrinkles even and improves both skin moistening and elasticity.

It has more delicate effects in comparison to AHA acids, therefore, when it is used side-effects in form of burning, pinching and excessive skin exfoliation appear less often. It can be a great solution for people who do not tolerate AHA acids. Owing to its antibacterial properties and water solubility, it can penetrate deeply into hair bulbs through the sebaceous layer and prevent the creation of blackheads which is crucial in the treatment of acne. It can be an ideal solution for people with acne and sebaceous complexions. The acid is also recommended for dry complexion with blocked pores (line T) for it does not have drying properties.

An optimal pH for preparations with salicylic acid is between 2.5-3.

Products with salicylic acid cannot be used by people allergic to salicylates, pregnant women and feeding mothers. During the therapy with salicylic acid one should not use solarium as well as sunbath. The use of stable sunscreens with high level of protection is necessary.


Properties of salicylic acid:

  • cleans sebaceous glands from blackheads and prevents the creation of eczemas;

  • accelerates the process of healing trouble spots (e.g. acne changes) and irritations;

  • regulates cellular skin regeneration and has exfoliating effects on thicked horny layer of the epidermis;

  • allows to decrease sun and inflammatory discolorations;

  • increases effectiveness of other cosmetic preparations – the skin prepared by acids absorbs their active components more easily.

  • diminishes small acne scars;

  • prevents hair ingrowth after depilation.


Use In preparations (tonics, gels, oils, emulsions) for the care of acne, oily and mixed skin.
Recommended concentration In house conditions from 1.0% to 5.0%, 2.0% recommended.
Storage In a fridge, tightly shut receptacle. Protect against the light.
Solubility In oils, propylene glycol, 96% ethyl alcohol (spirit).
Expiring date Given on the label.

The product is used in recipes:

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