

Kwas migdałowy 99%

Mandelic Acid

Mandelic acid belongs to a group of alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA). It has exfoliating, antibacterial and anti-aging effects. It exists in nature in bitter almonds. Among all AHA acids it has the highest antibacterial properties and owing to a structure of its particles it has specific therapeutic possibilities.

  • 5g
  • 10g
  • 30g
  • 50g
  • 100g

INCI: Mandelic Acid 

Mandelic acid belongs to a group of alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA; purity 99%). It has exfoliating, antibacterial and anti-aging effects. It exists in nature in bitter almonds. Among all AHA acids it has the highest antibacterial properties and owing to a structure of its particles it has specific therapeutic possibilities.

Having a higher molecular mass in comparison to glycolic acid, it has considerably milder effect and is safer. It acts against bacterial strains such as Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus proteus, Escherichia coli, Aerobacter aerogenes responsible for the creation of non-cystic inflammatory acne.

Scrubs containing mandelic acid in high concentrations from 20.0% to 50.0% allow to obtain improvement in case of skin with acne, wrinkles, freckles and chloasmas. However, they do not produce the feeling of discomfort and give immediate effects.

Mandelic acid does not make the skin sensitive to sun, therefore, it can be used all year and, regarding no risk to produce discolorations, in people with high phototype. Moreover, it is frequently referred to as “summer scrub” or “scrub for everyone regardless of the season”.

In low concentrations (from 5.0% to 10.0%) it is used in products for mild care of oily skin with propensity towards acne and, owing to exfoliating properties, it is also used in anti-aging products.

Mandelic acid:

  • it has antibacterial properties and reduces the secretion of sebum,
  • decreases the thickness of horny layer and stabilizes keratinization,
  • the skin obtains smoothness and nice bright colours,
  • it brightens discolorations created as a result of exposing to sun, senile melanodermas, eczemas, acne maculae and scars
  • it is recommended prior to using stronger exfoliating therapies with acids (initial acid concentration is 5.0%)
  • it regenerates and reactivates aging skin by means of increasing moistening.


Use Tonic, face gels and emulsions, recommended for dry, oily and damaged by weather conditions skin. The ingredient of anti-acne preparations
Recommended concentration In house conditions from 5.0% to 20.0%, at the beginning of using acid it is recommended to use concentration of 5.0%.
Storage In a fridge, tightly shut receptacle. Protect against light 
Solubility In water up to 10%. Higher concentrations soluble in alcohols
Expiring date Given on the label

The product is used in recipes:

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