Eye Cream with Retinol and Plum and Green Coffee Oils
Skin around eyes is very delicate and frequently dried — it is here where you find first signs of ageing. The cream in our offer was specially designed for gentle and mature skin around eyes. Gentle and velvet consistency maintains high level of moisturisation, shallows wrinkles and prevents creation of new ones, and protects skin against the loss of elasticity. Specially chosen active ingredients moisturise, lift, smooth, nourish, remove shadows and swelling under eyes, improve microcirculation, and help prevent creation of next dark circles.
Eye Cream with Retinol and Plum and Green Coffee Oils
Skin around eyes is very delicate and frequently dried — it is here where you find first signs of ageing. The cream in our offer was specially designed for gentle and mature skin around eyes. Gentle and velvet consistency maintains high level of moisturisation, shallows wrinkles and prevents creation of new ones, and protects skin against the loss of elasticity. Specially chosen active ingredients moisturise, lift, smooth, nourish, remove shadows and swelling under eyes, improve microcirculation, and help prevent creation of next dark circles..
Green Coffee Oil has got a very strong property of keeping moisture inside the skin, therefore, improving skin moisturising, softness, and smoothness. The oil is a strong antioxidant which fights against free radicals accelerating cell ageing process and destroying them prematurely. The antioxidative properties of Green Coffee Oil are the result of a high content of vitamin E. It is recommended for eye skin care and more.
Plum Seed Oil easily penetrates the epidermis and does not leave an oily film. It improves skin moisturising and firmness. Our product is especially recommended for mature, sensitive, and dry skin. After application the skin becomes softer, more smooth, and silky. Plum Seed Oil is perfect for body massage and helps keep your skin healthy. Additionally, it has got exceptional softening properties as well as a high content of nourishing ingredients.
Retinol (vitamin A) is the most known and effective anti-ageing active substance used in cosmetic industry. By stimulating production of hyaluronic acid in fibroblasts, our Retinol strongly moisturises, prevents creation of wrinkles, slightly exfoliates, and revitalises. The process of hydrogenation gives this vitamin its highly stable form. Retinol is used in products for young, acne and atopic skins as well as for mature skin with first symptoms of ageing.
Vitamin E is commonly regarded as a youth and health elixir. It is one of the factors which inhibits cellular ageing process and participates in supplying body with oxygen. Vitamin E accelerates treatment of burnings, makes scars more smooth and elastic, and protects against sun radiation.
It protects adipose layer of the epidermis and improves its softness and elasticity. Vitamin E helps treating dermatosis and acne along with preventing creation of red marks. It is present in multiple vegetable products e.g. leaf vegetables, crude cereal grains or in vegetable oils. Furthermore, vitamin E also exists in abundance in mint leaves, nettles, broccoli or spinach. Vitamin E is resistant towards high temperatures, strong acids and alkalies. It is not soluble in water, but becomes destroyed when exposed to light or oxygen.
Hyaluronic Acid Complex is in turn a very low molecular mass compound with hyaluronic acid enclosed in a special carrier which transports it to the deep dermis layers (an average of 1 000 Daltons). While penetrating deep skin layers, the complex stimulates synthesis of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for keeping water in both the connective tissue (the deep moisturising) and its upper layers, preventing the loss of water from the epidermis.
This form of hyaluronic acid keeps water in connective tissue and dermis better than any other. Besides maintaining proper level of moisturisation, it improves microcirculation and does not dilate blood vessels.
-While using with Retinol, do not expose skin to sun — use high UV filters
Green Coffee Oil – 1,5 g
Plum Seed Oil – 1,5 g
Natural Preservative – 0,1 g
Water – 10 g - not included in the set
Retinol (vitamin A) - 0,6 g
Hyaluronic Acid Complex - 0,6 g
Vitamin E - 0,3 g
15 ml cream jar.
The quantity of all ingredients in the set is precisely measured. The set does not contain water.
Demineralized (distilled) water: 10 ml — measure with the attached pipette.
Check whether the received set is complete and prepare additional ingredients (demineralized/distilled water).
Prepare your work place adhering to the basic rules of hygiene.
Prepare 2 receptacles (beaker or glasses) for phase A and B respectively.
Add ingredients from PHASE A to the first beaker and ingredients from Phase B to the other. Heat slightly the content of the beaker with PHASE B using e.g. heated bath or jet of warm water, stirring until the preservative dissolves. (The temperature should not exceed 40°C.)
Next, pour water with the dissolved preservative to the beaker with PHASE A and stir intensively until the ingredients blend and the cream is homogeneous. Use wooden spatula included in the set to blend the ingredients. There is no need to use agitators. After stirring for about 3 minutes you will get a homogeneous and velvet mass.
Add one by one ingredients from PHASE C to the obtained cream, while stirring carefully after each ingredient is added.
Put the cream into the jar.
The cream is ready to use.
The serum is suitable for storage in room temperature up to 21 °C, but the fridge is recommended.
- Ingredients: eppendorfs, ziplock bags
- Complete set: plastic ziplock bag