

Kolagen hydrolizowany z dodatkiem elastyny w butelce z ozdobną pipetą

Hydrolyzed Collagen with Elastin in dropper bottle with pipette

Collagen  as an active component of cosmetic preparations acts as an natural skin moisturizing product simultaneously having a considerable impact on its protection against pre-mature aging. An addition of Elastin, which exists in a human body together with collagen, increases skin elasticity. Preparations are designed mostly for the care of the following types of skin: mature, tired as well as dried, as a result of excessive effects of weather and water.

  • 10g
  • 30g

INCI:  Soluble Collagen, Hydrolized Elastin 

Collagen  as an active component of cosmetic preparations acts as an natural skin moisturizing product simultaneously having a considerable impact on its protection against pre-mature aging. An addition of Elastin, which exists in a human body together with collagen, increases skin elasticity. Preparations are designed mostly for the care of the following types of skin: mature, tired as well as dried, as a result of excessive effects of weather and water.ieku dojrzałego, skóry zmęczonej lub przesuszonej nadmiernym działaniem czynników atmosferycznych i wody.

In the human body, elastin is paired with collagen. The human body produces elastin after reaching the age of 25 and its complete atrophy occurs between 40 to 50 years of age – the skin becomes dry and less elastic. The process cannot be stopped from the physiological viewpoint, however, by means of cosmetic preparations containing elastin with collagen, we are able to obtain visible effects of proper moistening. Supplementing the lack of soluble collagen and elastin in the skin, the preparations have regenerative and smoothing properties, restoring freshness, smoothness, elasticity and softness as well as proper moistening.

Besides the soluble collagen plays an important role in the process of granulation tissue growth and injury healing, hence, it is recommended for the production of after-sun preparations in which it moistens and alleviates effects of excessive sunbathing. In hair preparations, the soluble collagen enriched with elastin additionally influences a structure of a hair by moistening and making it elastic, enhancing elasticity and improving hair combing. It is recommended for cosmetic preparations in the form of emulsions which are stable in temperatures between -5 to +40°C.


Use Creams, body balms, cosmetics for mature and damaged complexions with regenerative and moistening properties. Face masques and hair preparations 
Recommended concentration

In cosmetics: From 1.0 to 5.0%.

Storage A semi-dark, clean and dry place in room temperature 
Solubility In water and alcohols, insoluble in fats
Expiring date Given on the package

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