

Olej z marchwi (macerat)

Carrot oil (macerate)

A carrot macerate is obtained in the process of macerating a root of carrot in sunflower oil which is obtained as a result of cold-pressing method. The resulting macerate has joined properties of sunflower oil and carrot. It shows anti-inflammatory properties, increases the defensive abilities of the skin against infections, protects against the effects of sun beams and accelerates the healing of injuries. The carrot oil regulates the functions of skin and assists in the improvement of its condition. When used regularly, the skin becomes more firm as well as elastic and the number of wrinkles decreases.

  • 45g
  • 100g

INCI: Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil & Daucus carota sativa


A carrot macerate is obtained in the process of macerating a root of carrot in sunflower oil which is obtained as a result of cold-pressing method. The resulting macerate has joined properties of sunflower oil and carrot. It shows anti-inflammatory properties, increases the defensive abilities of the skin against infections, protects against the effects of sun beams and accelerates the healing of injuries. The carrot oil regulates the functions of skin and assists in the improvement of its condition. When used regularly, the skin becomes more firm as well as elastic and the number of wrinkles decreases.

The carrot macerate contains provitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, sodium chloride, potassium, iron, iodine, zinc, manganium, tocopherol, vitamins from group B (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, biotin), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), rutin, phthiocol, folic acid, coumarines, organic acids, essential oils etc./p>

The oil is deep orange and may be used a preparation for dry hair.

When used in large doses dyes skin and hair. It can be used as a natural bronzer, however, one should retain the concentration of no more than 5%.


Use In Cosmetics: as a natural bronzer, skin and hair products.
Recommended concentration In skin products from 2 to 5%, in hair products from 1 to 3%.
Storage In temperature not lower than °C. In higher temperature beta-carotene can quickly oxidize and the product will lose its colour.
Solubility In oils.
Expiring date 10.2013.
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