

Kompleks morski z algami

Marine Algae Mix

Marine algae mix is a botanic complex of algae extracts including ascophyllum, spirulin, laminaria, bladderwrack and nori. The extract’s composition was designed with regard to intensively regenerative, moistening and anti-cellulite effects. It is ideal for inflammatory conditions and irritations because it brings relief and restores skin lipidic balance. These properties are the result of the resource abundance in amino acids, sugars and mineral salts.

  • 50g
  • 100g
  • 500g

INCI:  Propylene Glycol, Aqua, Fucus Vesiculosus Extract, Laminaria Digitata Extract, Spirulina Maxima Extract, Porphyra Umbilicalis Extract


Marine algae mix is a botanic complex of algae extracts including ascophyllum, spirulin, laminaria, bladderwrack and nori. The extract’s composition was designed with regard to intensively regenerative, moistening and anti-cellulite effects. It is ideal for inflammatory conditions and irritations because it brings relief and restores skin lipidic balance. Generally it can be said that the look of the skin depends on multiple factors and one of the moist important is the level of layer’s moistening. The use of active substances containing amino acids, sugars and certain minerals helps in keeping the proper level of moistening and, therefore, provides substances necessary to restore water balance and to create a protective film on the skin. Mineral salts, especially iodine, stimulate metabolism and result in the enhance of osmotic exchange which, in turn, eliminates the overabundance in fluids.


DOne of the most important Ascophyllum active substances include mineral salts, polysaccharides, polyphenols, vitamins, lipids and amino acids. Acsophyllum contains in its chemical composition alginic acid and fucoidin. Among polyphenols we can find mainly phloroglucinol. Mineral salts include iodine, iron, calcium, manganium, potassium and silicon. In amino acids there is alanine, tyrosin, leucin and proline whose concentration depends on multiple environmental factors such as habitat, access to light, season of the year, the amount of provided food and salinity. This species contains such lipids as glycol-acylogliceroli (10-50% of whole lipidic fraction).


It contains a considerable amount of proteins, amino acids, fatty acids, chlorophyll, carotenoids (beta-carotene), vitamins, minerals, unique pigments and polysaccharides. Dried spirulin contains: 4.7% of water, 57.5% of proteins, 7.72% of fats, 23.9% carbohydrates, fibers, 3.6% of dietary subtasnces, 6.2% of ash. Minerals (per 100 g) include: calcium 120 mg, iron 28.5 mg, magnesium 195mg, phosphorus 118 mg, potassium 1363 mg, sodium 1048 mg, zinc 2.0 mg, copper 6.1 mg, manganium 1.9 mg and selenium.


When dried it contains 12% of water, 15% of mineral salts (chlorides, sulfates and iodine). Iodine is especially abundant in this group of algae which can contain 0.5% of this element in a dry mass. A dry alga contains less than 1% of lipids, about 5% of proteins and 65% or less sugars represented by the following: - mannitol (12-158%), condensed and soluble glucides (15-40%) and especially fucoidin and laminaran. Laminaran is a glucan appearing in two forms: insoluble and soluble. Both forms are made of D-glucose with 1-3 bindings as well as a few bindings 1-6 and the rest of mannitol. The amount of laminaran will differ depending on the season of the year when the collection of algae – aligns takes place: 15-40% of dry mass.


Dried baldderwrack still contains 10-12% of water, 15% of mineral salts, (0.3-0.8% of iodine and similar amounts of potassium), 1-2% of fatty acids and fucosterols, 4-5% of proteins and 65% of condensed carbohydrates, mainly align and alginic acid as well as certain amounts of cellulose. Alginic acid is a polymannuronic acidcomposed mostly of D-mannuronic acid particles in the pyran-shaped rings with 1-4 bindings. Apart from mannuronic acid there is also glacuronic acid – the acids differ from one another by the position of carboxylic groups. The alga contains big amounts of vitamin C and small amounts of provitamin A (carotenoids, fucoxanthin).


The most important active substances of this alga include amino acids and mineral salts. Among minerals there is iodine, copper, manganium and potassium. The composition of amino acids varies between 20 to 25% depending on the environment, atmospheric conditions and the provision of nourishing substances to plants. There are also in smaller amounts lipids, carbohydrates, -carotene and other compounds.



Used in regenerative and moistening face preparations as well as anti-cellulite and slimming cosmetics for massages, baths and other preparations used in these treatments

Recommended concentration

From 2.0 to 5.0%.

Storage In room temperature, tightly shut receptacle. Protect against the access of light.
Solubility In water
Expiring date Given on the label

The product is used in recipes:

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