



Allantoin is a derivative of urea which has soothing properties and accelerates the process of healing of damaged epidermis. It is used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries; in moistening creams it subsides the symptoms of psoriasis, it has anti-inflammatory and tensing properties, it also accelerates the process of skin regeneration

  • 10g

INCI:  Allantoin

Allantoin is a derivative of urea which has soothing properties and accelerates the process of healing of damaged epidermis.

It is used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries; in moistening creams it subsides the symptoms of psoriasis, it has anti-inflammatory and tensing properties, it also accelerates the process of skin regeneration.

In view of its soothing properties, it is a great additive to all kinds of washing preparations. Allantoin influences smoothing of the epidermis, moistens it and makes it more elastic.

Allantoin exists in nature in a root of comfrey, but the one used for the production of cosmetics has synthetic origin. It is also used as an active substance in anti-acne ointments and creams.


In Cosmetics: milks, tonics, creams, face-care gels, washing emulsions
 Recommended concentration 
From 0.5% to 2.0%.
In room temperature, tightly shut receptacle
 Solubility In water
 Expiring date    
Given on the label

The product is used in recipes:


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